
Welcome to my personal webpage, where I explore the captivating world of deep learning, neural network compression, and privacy-preserving machine learning. Discover the power of neural networks as they learn from complex data patterns, adapt, and make accurate predictions. Delve into the field of neural network compression, where we strive to make models more efficient and deployable on resource-constrained devices. Explore cutting-edge methods in privacy-preserving machine learning, safeguarding sensitive information while unlocking the potential of collaborative data analysis. Join me on this journey of knowledge, discovery, and innovation as we shape the future of intelligent technologies.

About me

I am a PhD student working in the field of deep learning, neural network compression and privacy preserving machine learning. I received my undergraduate degree in mathematics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA) in 2016 with a specialization on Applied Mathematics. I received my Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Thessaly (UTh) in 2017. Next I joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Purdue University as a PhD student under the guidance of Professor Kaushik Roy.

Efstathia Soufleri

  • (currently) Ph.D. ECE, Purdue Univeristy
  • (2017) M.S. Computer Science, UTh
  • (2016) B.S. Mathematics, UoA